Back to the arrival of Apple and Boo...
After the resident came in to check me and said, "Yup, that is a tiny little ankle" and then right after I almost threw up, we started to get ready to go in for our c-section. Who says that?! I feel an ankle?! Does that gross anyone else out or is it just me?!
Of course my doctor was not on-call that weekend but at least I got my second favorite. We knew we were going to have a c-section. Apple was just too small and they feared he wouldn't handle the stress well.
We called my mom and moved down to the labor and delivery room. I never felt any contractions. They brought me into the delivery room and curled me up in a little ball to give me the epidural. I can not talk enough about how amazing you nurses definitely have to have the calling to be a nurse to be that kind and understanding. I was nervous, scared...I even asked our doctor if we really had to deliver them right then. Weren't there other women on my floor who's water had broke and that's why they were there?! We were only 32 weeks along. I wish I could remember the anesthesiologist's nurse name because she held my hand and made me feel so safe....especially since K-man couldn't be in there yet with me.
K-man came in and I remember later him telling me about all the people that were in the room and how funny it was to him. There was a team for me and the NICu had two teams there....I think there were 20 or so people in there! Not counting me, K-man, Apple or Boo!
The anesthesiologist stood behind me and asked if we wanted to watch in a mirror....NO! A minute later though I did tell him to have it ready because maybe I would want to look when they were coming out. I remember as I felt them rubbing something on my belly telling Kevin to remember what Alicia told us...that the c-section goes so fast and to just be in the moment and enjoy it. I said it over and over again, lets just enjoy it and be excited. As I was still telling him that and waiting for it to begin the anestesiologist asked if we wanted to, no, not until maybe they are coming out...Oh, they are coming out?! Ha ha! I had no idea!
There they little! They brought them right over to their own little teams and I remember having to ask what they were! No one knew we didn't know the sex of them!
Apple was/is a boy, 14 inches long and 2 lbs. 11oz, came into the world at 10:19 am....Boo was/is a girl, 16 inches long and 4 lbs. 8 oz and arrived a minute later at 10:20 am! Can you believe it?! We are the luckiest people in the world! I demanded K-man go and check them out for us!
And he got to cut the cords! |
K-man got to hold Boo for a minute too! |
Such a tough girl! |
Apple was so small and such a strong little man! |
Both of them off oxygen a few hours after they were born! |
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