Tuesday, September 11, 2012


 This is how we started the morning....a little apprehensive.
We didn't tell them where they were headed this morning.  Apple has not been looking forward to school and the less time he has to stress about it, the better!

We came home feeling like this!  Success!  After a brief hair-pulling situation with the teacher, Liam calmed right down and was great the rest of the morning!
This momma on the other hand felt lost....and surprised by it.  I was emotional which wasn't that surprising but the "lost" feeling I had shocked me.  I didn't know what to do with myself.  Obviously, eventually I went to the mall and got my grocery shopping done but still, I just can not believe how much I missed them.
Anyone else feel like that?  I guess spending all day with them I should have expected that but for some reason...
Apple wants to be "Mickey Mouse" when he grows up!

Boo wants to be "Boo" when she grows up!

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