I have a birthday month. It is actually 6 weeks now but whatevs, I still call it birthday month. I plan on giving the kids at least a birthday week so in honor of that....I am starting a week of reliving their birth! Hope you enjoy!
I think I am only 30 weeks or so along in this pic! |
It was about 5:00 am. I had been in the hospital for over 3 weeks. I had made lots of friends with my nurses and it was almost normal when K-Man would kiss me and head home every night at 10:00 pm after we had made our daily wheelchair push around the hospital and before I ate my bowlful of cereal.
Apple was little and back in December they saw he was having poor cord flow. He wasn't getting enough nutrition and he was small. I started getting ultrasounds twice a week and our doc told us that if it stopped flowing, we would be going into the hospital.
Late January I spent a long weekend in the hospital. We were only 28 weeks along and when they gave us a tour of the NICu so we would know what to expect, I knew I could not have these little ones out in this world yet. Miraculously, that Monday the cord flow was great and we got to go home, back to bed rest.
For the next several trips to the doctor I videotaped it like it was our trip to the hospital. One day I finally told K-Man I wouldn't videotape the next time and just pretend one of my other 5 trips was the real thing. I never made that next trip. I videotaped our walk through the tube from our office to the hospital. I remember K-Man looking embarrassed until he saw everyone smiling and he realized that they knew what I was doing. How could they not know what that huge waddling lady was doing videotaping her walk to the hospital?!
My first visit to the 4th floor I had one of the huge rooms and when I came back that room was occupied. We put in a request to move to that room when it became available. I know right?! I'm that person. Now that I knew what I could have, I wanted it back! Thankfully we only had to spend the weekend in the cramped little room before we moved back to "our room".
We also had this view of the Children's Hospital going up and we liked to watch the workers |
My doc came and saw me every day during the week. One day she joked about just knowing that I would deliver on a weekend she wasn't on call.
I had been waking up about every 45 minutes or so to go to the bathroom. I was so uncomfortable and my knees hurt from carrying around so much extra weight. I mean I put on a lot of weight. Once we knew how small Apple was and that we would most likely be delivering early, I ate....and ate. And ate some more. That early
Saturday morning I called my fav night nurse, Jennica, and she peeked in with this odd look on her face. I had never asked for her before. Sure we watched The Bachelor and chatted but I had never actually
needed her for work. While I will not go into details, that early morning our relationship went to a whole new level when she had to figure out if my water had broke or I had just peed my pants! Nurses are amazing...seriously! I love you guys!
I called K-Man about 5:30 am and told him that while he didn't need to rush up I thought maybe something happened. In his sleepy fog he questioned what that could possibly mean and told me he would be right up.
Jennica stayed with me until I left for my c-section....seriously, love you lady. It was well past her time to leave and she had already punched out but she stayed and made me laugh and introduced me to her friend who was getting my IVs ready. I remember asking her if there was time to shave my legs because I was so enormous the shower was exhausting and I had only done the top half of my legs and was going to have K-Man help with the rest the next day. Who does that?! Only the top half?!
Stay tuned for the rest of the story!
Looking back, I had no idea you could barely see my eyes anymore! |