Tuesday, September 11, 2012


 This is how we started the morning....a little apprehensive.
We didn't tell them where they were headed this morning.  Apple has not been looking forward to school and the less time he has to stress about it, the better!

We came home feeling like this!  Success!  After a brief hair-pulling situation with the teacher, Liam calmed right down and was great the rest of the morning!
This momma on the other hand felt lost....and surprised by it.  I was emotional which wasn't that surprising but the "lost" feeling I had shocked me.  I didn't know what to do with myself.  Obviously, eventually I went to the mall and got my grocery shopping done but still, I just can not believe how much I missed them.
Anyone else feel like that?  I guess spending all day with them I should have expected that but for some reason...
Apple wants to be "Mickey Mouse" when he grows up!

Boo wants to be "Boo" when she grows up!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spice Girls

Have you gone to your high school reunion?  I had no intention of going but since I got together a few months ago with some high school friends, I think I want to go....
Turns out we don't have many people going to our reunion so it sounds like it will be quite an intimate affair!  If you are from my high school graduating class and reading this, why aren't you going?  I have heard there are fewer in attendance at reunions nowadays because of Facebook and they feel they are already caught up with people.  Is that it?  I am connected with these people virtually but there are some I actually want to see and hang out with....and it's a night out!  Why not right?!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Year was 2002

I woke up this day 10 years ago on an air mattress in my parent's living room with Alicia and Dara.  Later that day I got married to the man that 6 years ago, even though I didn't know his name, I had told my parents I
would marry.
Our honeymoon in the Mountains

Our view for a few days from our room at Opryland
 I love K-man more today and feel so lucky to have such an amazing husband and father for our kids!

Friday, March 30, 2012


It took us a few days to finalize Apple and Boo's real-life names.  We had some ideas but we didn't know the sexes and we wanted to meet them before we named them.

It is almost hard to remember that time....we were exhausted, worried and happy all at the same time.  I remember reading in one of their charts "Parents are here a lot".  Ha ha!  But seriously, where else would we be?  I also remember my nurses being quite concerned about me and postpartum depression.  At the time I could not see it and could not understand why everyone was talking about it.  Oh, maybe because I just delivered two babies and they were in the hospital because they were so early!  I started having what I thought was a hard time breathing.  I couldn't lay down flat and was convinced when I fell asleep I stopped breathing and would wake back up with  a start.   On top of waking to pump every 3 hours, we were not getting much sleep and it was taking its toll on both of us, especially K-man who had been sleeping in the recliner next to me.  My doc was starting to get concerned too and she ended up ordering a ct scan on my lungs and keeping me an extra day...really I think though just so I could be with the babies for another night.  Or maybe it was because my feet looked like this!
My feet did not look like this until after the c-section!

The babies were really healthy for being so early.  Boo's only real concern was learning to breathe and eat at the same time.
Boo has been a stinker since the beginning

But what a sleeping angel!
 Apple was under the lights for the first few days...he really seemed to enjoy the warmth!
Just chilling on the beach in the sun

 We were in NICu for about 5 days and then we were moved to NIM, the intermediate care.  I felt like it was totally different over there and I did not like it.  Thankfully because we had two babies, we were normally in a room by ourselves.  Once Boo went home though after about 2 weeks, we had to start sharing rooms with other babies and I was "one of those moms".  I think I requested 4 maybe 5 room changes.  Most of them because the parents stunk of smoke. 

The night we had to leave the hospital without our babies was awful.  They had told me it would be the worst day but it turned out the day we took Boo home and had to leave Apple was by far the worst.

 Sorry for the delay in the story, last week we were in prep mode for the kids first ever friends birthday party and this week I have been recouping from the party I think! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Delivery

Sorry for the delay but dang...the weather has been so amazing we have been outside for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Back to the arrival of Apple and Boo...
After the resident came in to check me and said, "Yup, that is a tiny little ankle" and then right after I almost threw up, we started to get ready to go in for our c-section.  Who says that?!  I feel an ankle?!  Does that gross anyone else out or is it just me?!
Of course my doctor was not on-call that weekend but at least I got my second favorite.  We knew we were going to have a c-section.  Apple was just too small and they feared he wouldn't handle the stress well.
We called my mom and moved down to the labor and delivery room.  I never felt any contractions.  They brought me into the delivery room and curled me up in a little ball to give me the epidural.  I can not talk enough about how amazing you nurses are....you definitely have to have the calling to be a nurse to be that kind and understanding.  I was nervous, scared...I even asked our doctor if we really had to deliver them right then.  Weren't there other women on my floor who's water had broke and that's why they were there?!  We were only 32 weeks along.  I wish I could remember the anesthesiologist's nurse name because she held my hand and made me feel so safe....especially since K-man couldn't be in there yet with me.
K-man came in and I remember later him telling me about all the people that were in the room and how funny it was to him.  There was a team for me and the NICu had two teams there....I think there were 20 or so people in there!  Not counting me, K-man, Apple or Boo!

The anesthesiologist stood behind me and asked if we wanted to watch in a mirror....NO!  A minute later though I did tell him to have it ready because maybe I would want to look when they were coming out.  I remember as I felt them rubbing something on my belly telling Kevin to remember what Alicia told us...that the c-section goes so fast and to just be in the moment and enjoy it.  I said it over and over again, lets just enjoy it and be excited.  As I was still telling him that and waiting for it to begin the anestesiologist asked if we wanted to look...um, no, not until maybe they are coming out...Oh, they are coming out?!  Ha ha!  I had no idea!
There they were....so small...so little!  They brought them right over to their own little teams and I remember having to ask what they were!  No one knew we didn't know the sex of them!
Apple was/is a boy, 14 inches long and 2 lbs. 11oz, came into the world at 10:19 am....Boo was/is a girl, 16 inches long and 4 lbs. 8 oz and arrived a minute later at 10:20 am!  Can you believe it?!  We are the luckiest people in the world!  I demanded K-man go and check them out for us!
And he got to cut the cords!

K-man got to hold Boo for a minute too!

Such a tough girl!

Apple was so small and such a strong little man!

Both of them off oxygen a few hours after they were born!
Stay tuned for Part III and IV because you are not going to want to miss the awesome picture of my feet that three years later, still makes me laugh out loud!  Oh and some other pics of those sweet little things....I mean the babies, not my piggies!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Um, I think something happened...

 I have a birthday month.  It is actually 6 weeks now but whatevs, I still call it birthday month.  I plan on giving the kids at least a birthday week so in honor of that....I am starting a week of reliving their birth!  Hope you enjoy!
I think I am only 30 weeks or so along in this pic!
 It was about 5:00 am.  I had been in the hospital for over 3 weeks.  I had made lots of friends with my nurses and it was almost normal when K-Man would kiss me and head home every night at 10:00 pm after we had made our daily wheelchair push around the hospital and before I ate my bowlful of cereal.
Apple was little and back in December they saw he was having poor cord flow.  He wasn't getting enough nutrition and he was small.  I started getting ultrasounds twice a week and our doc told us that if it stopped flowing, we would be going into the hospital.
Late January I spent a long weekend in the hospital.  We were only 28 weeks along and when they gave us a tour of the NICu so we would know what to expect, I knew I could not have these little ones out in this world yet.  Miraculously, that Monday the cord flow was great and we got to go home, back to bed rest.
For the next several trips to the doctor I videotaped it like it was our trip to the hospital.  One day I finally told K-Man I wouldn't videotape the next time and just pretend one of my other 5 trips was the real thing.  I never made that next trip.  I videotaped our walk through the tube from our office to the hospital.  I remember K-Man looking embarrassed until he saw everyone smiling and he realized that they knew what I was doing.  How could they not know what that huge waddling lady was doing videotaping her walk to the hospital?!
My first visit to the 4th floor I had one of the huge rooms and when I came back that room was occupied.  We put in a request to move to that room when it became available. I know right?!  I'm that person.  Now that I knew what I could have, I wanted it back!  Thankfully we only had to spend the weekend in the cramped little room before we moved back to "our room".
We also had this view of the Children's Hospital going up and we liked to watch the workers
 My doc came and saw me every day during the week.  One day she joked about just knowing that I would deliver on a weekend she wasn't on call.
I had been waking up about every 45 minutes or so to go to the bathroom.  I was so uncomfortable and my knees hurt from carrying around so much extra weight.  I mean I put on a lot of weight.  Once we knew how small Apple was and that we would most likely be delivering early, I ate....and ate.  And ate some more.  That early Saturday morning I called my fav night nurse, Jennica, and she peeked in with this odd look on her face.  I had never asked for her before.  Sure we watched The Bachelor and chatted but I had never actually needed her for work.  While I will not go into details, that early morning our relationship went to a whole new level when she had to figure out if my water had broke or I had just peed my pants!  Nurses are amazing...seriously!  I love you guys!
I called K-Man about 5:30 am and told him that while he didn't need to rush up I thought maybe something happened.  In his sleepy fog he questioned what that could possibly mean and told me he would be right up.
Jennica stayed with me until I left for my c-section....seriously, love you lady.  It was well past her time to leave and she had already punched out but she stayed and made me laugh and introduced me to her friend who was getting my IVs ready.  I remember asking her if there was time to shave my legs because I was so enormous the shower was exhausting and I had only done the top half of my legs and was going to have K-Man help with the rest the next day.  Who does that?!  Only the top half?!
Stay tuned for the rest of the story!
Looking back, I had no idea you could barely see my eyes anymore!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Who Do I Think I Am?!

I have been lucky lately to get out...a lot!  In the past two weeks I had book club, happy hour, dinner and a play, and dinner and a movie!  That is huge for me!  And I realize, more and more necessary to be who I want to be....
What do you other stay-at-home moms do for yourself to help be who you are?
The past few weeks isn't typical and it won't continue to trend that way but the warmer weather and being outside is making it easier!  I don't want this to be mistaken for complaining....I am not!  I am thankful every morning that I am able to be home with them when I lazily watch a cartoon while Apple and Boo drink their milk before we start playing castle, doctor or witch.
I know there are some of you who go out with your kids regularly but it just isn't worth it for me.  Boo seems to ruin it every time lately with poor behavior.  I really can't remember the last time I didn't leave somewhere without her under one arm, kicking and screaming with her belly sticking out of her shirt.  This is just a phase right?!  At least when one is throwing a tantrum, the other one is always super cooperative!
We are thankful for anything over here!

Monday, February 27, 2012

One for the Money

xAs I walked up to the library I was surprised to see that they are open until 9 during the week!  However, once I unsuccessfully pulled on the doors, I stood there and looked again at the sign, and then the doors, and then I peeked inside like in the past 8 years since I have been to the library they had switched to some secret code to get in.
A woman walked up and clearly embarrassed for me mumbled something about President's Day.
REALLY?!  I had been meaning to go to the library for almost a month now to pay my 8 year old fine and get a library card and the day I finally pull the trigger they are closed?!
It is Book Club tomorrow night and I wonder how the others will feel when I tell them not only did I not read the book but I didn't even get it?!
Maybe I can still make it to the library today and read it by tomorrow night at 7:30....right?!  Or better yet, is it still in the theaters?!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

IUGR, Underweight, Preemie, Failure to Thrive, Anorexia

Apple has been called it all!  I think one time last summer Apple was on the weight chart at 1%, however, he has since fallen back off.
Our last visit to his developmental doctor, his growth chart had no curve to it, it just went straight across.  He is a really poor eater, he likes a lot of different things, it is just only when he is interested....which is not very often.  They talked about a swallow test and / or an intensive in-patient 8 week eating program.  K-man and I immediately said no.  He doesn't have any issues with swallowing, gagging or food aversions.  He is just not interested.
After another hour of chatting they started explaining how when someone starts starving themselves, eventually their bodies stop telling them to eat.  Anorexia.  They said basically our 3 year old son has anorexia.  His body just doesn't signal that it needs food.
We have since changed from Pediasure to Boost Essentials and he basically gets that whenever he wants.  And the weird thing is it seems like if he has some of that early in the morning, he will eat breakfast a little better.  Sometimes.
The past several days he has a few bites...total.  However, today he has had almost a whole waffle, a strawberry, a handful of Rice Chex and Fruit Loops, 2 chicken nuggets, almost a whole baby carrot and 1/2 a piece of french toast!  In one day people!  That is huge for us and we will take whatever we can!
Look at that cheek-ful!

Monday, February 20, 2012

1 Boy, 1 Girl

It wasn't hard to figure out Apple & Boo's nursery, we didn't know what we were having so we kept everything neutral, you can see the pics here.  However, now that we are transitioning into our "big kid" beds, I am struggling with finding inspiration for a room shared by a boy and a girl.  I don't know how they would do being separated and frankly, I am not interested in finding out.  I always thought I would separate them at age 5...
They love castles, carousels, any form of transportation but I keep finding things like this:

Obviously, it is a bit harder to shop now because there are no longer gender neutral options...by this point, you know!
So I am hoping to go for a more "around the world" theme since they love the Little Einsteins and have learned about so many different places and they already have a deep appreciation for art.
I think since my kids can tell you that this is a Van Gogh and the colors kind of work, I'm going to get this framed.
The curtains are staying so I need to keep the green and since I couldn't find any bed covers that worked, I am starting with this:

I am secretly hoping Emily Clark, a fabulous design blogger, will run into the same problem when she has her boy /girl twins!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I May Owe You a Coke

Don't you hate it when the announcer says something like "He hasn't missed a field goal in the past 2 seasons" or "he has the best field goal percentage in the league" right when it is critical for your team to win?!
Or when K-man says, "I think they are finally down" and then I hear Boo whining and I think "Why?!  Why do you have to jinx it?!"
Well, I may owe you  coke.  The night of my Apple sleeps in his bed all night so you all can suck it post, he woke up.  And he did the next night too.
However, I am not running out to the store for that soda just yet because he did make it until 5 am this morning....
We will see what happens tonight.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I had felt an incredible rush to get their big kids bed done and ready for them to sleep in them.  I kept saying I had another inch of Boo growing before she could lean over and be too top heavy for her crib but then my obsession became that if Apple was in a big kid bed, he would finally sleep through the night and because he would be getting such awesome sleep, he would eat better and grow!
I mentioned that to a few people and while they didn't come right out and laugh in my face, they did think it would be a long stretch.  And realistically, way back in the deep parts of my head, I knew it too.
However, Apple has slept through the night 4 nights in a row!  In his own bed, without getting up!  And while I can not tell you yet how that will effect his eating and growth, it has got to be a good thing!
 I'd like to say something like "suck it" however I'm trying to stay positive now that I've had a couple of good nights sleep so I'll just say "Look Who's Sleeping Now!"  And by who I mean K-Man and this Momma!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Easily Entertained

Happy Valentine's from the Good Knight!
What?!  You haven't been walking around with a trash can on your head for 2 days now?!  Apparently you are not "in the know" like Apple!
He obviously gets his entertainment value from his momma because do you know what is keeping my cheeks rosy today?  The yummy coffee I have been sipping from these new cups K-man got me for Valentine's!  We have been together for over ten years now and I do not remember another Valentine's that we actually acknowledged!
I have been talking about coffee cups for a few weeks now and for some reason couldn't pull the trigger on buying some because the ones I liked were $3.99 and I really envisioned that I wanted to pay $2.99......can you imagine what K-man has to endure living with me?!  Talking about not being able to find coffee cups, finally finding some but because they were $1 more than I thought I should pay?!
You can see why I got them for a gift!  Te he!  It is just so sweet he remembered and I was so surprised!

Monday, February 13, 2012


I continue to struggle with being behind on my blog and then putting it off because I am so far behind.  However, I read some advice from The Hollywood Housewife and I am just going to start where I am.
I wanted to start a new blog because I wanted to change it up a little and use it not just as a "baby book" for Apple and Boo but more about our lives in general.  Things I am working on, new activities they are doing, and what we are doing as a family.
Stay tuned!